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Exercise 9: Keep Your World Moving

  • Deadline: 19 April 2024, Friday, 23:59, SGT
  • Late submission (without penalty) accepted until: 23 April 2024, Tuesday, 23:59, SGT
  • Difficult Level: 9


  • Caught up to Unit 39 of Lecture Notes

Problem Description

We have a Web API online for querying bus services and bus stops in Singapore. You can go ahead and try:

(note: our database is 2-years old -- don't rely on this for your daily commute!)

In this lab, we will write a program that uses the Web API to do the following: Given the current stop S, and a search string Q, returns the list of buses serving S that also serves any stop with a description containing Q. For instance, given 16189 and Clementi, the program will output

Search for: 16189  <-> Clementi:
From 16189 
- Can take 96A to:
  - 17009 Clementi Int
- Can take 96B to:
  - 17171 Clementi Stn Exit A
  - 17091 Aft Clementi Ave 1
- Can take 96 to:
  - 17171 Clementi Stn Exit A
  - 17091 Aft Clementi Ave 1
  - 17009 Clementi Int
- Can take 151 to:
  - 17091 Aft Clementi Ave 1

Took 7,433ms

The pairs of S and Q can be either entered through the standard input or given to the program in a text file, with every pair of S and Q in a separate line.

A program to query the bus API and given a query has been written. Study the program carefully to understand what it does and how it works.

The given program, however, is written synchronously. Every query to the Web API is done one-by-one, and the program has to wait until one query completes before it can continue the execution of the program. As a result, the program is slower than it should.

Your task, for this lab, is to change the given program so that it executes asynchronously. Doing so can significantly speed up the program.

The root of synchronous Web API access can be found in the method httpGet in, in which the invocation of method send from the class HttpClient is done synchronously (i.e., it blocks until the response returns).

HttpClient also provides an asynchronous version of send called sendAsync, which is the same as send excepts that it is asynchronous and returns a CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>> instead of HttpResponse<T>. (You do not need to get into the nitty-gritty details of the HttpClient and HttpResponse for this lab -- but they are good to know, read up about them at your leisure).

To make the program asynchronous, you should first change the invocation of send in BusAPI to sendAsync. All other changes will be triggered by this. The list of things you should change are:

  • BusAPI::getBusStopsServedBy now returns a CompletableFuture<String>
  • BusAPI::getBusServicesAt now returns a CompletableFuture<String>
  • BusStop::getBusServices now returns a CompletableFuture<Set<BusService>>
  • BusService::getBusStops now returns a CompletableFuture<Set<BusStop>>
  • BusService::findStopsWith now returns a CompletableFuture<Set<BusStop>>
  • BusRoutes now stores a CompletableFuture<Set<BusStop>> instead.
  • BusRoutes::description now returns a CompletableFuture<String> (hint: use thenCombine)
  • BusSg::findBusServicesBetween now returns a CompletableFuture<BusRoutes>

It is important that at no point in any of the code above, you call CompletableFuture::join (or get) on any of the CompletableFuture, so everything that has been done so far, from the lower-level Web API calls to the higher-level logic of searching for bus services, is done asynchronously.

For this lab, the only place where you should join is in main(), where you now have multiple CompletableFuture objects, one from each call to findBusServicesBetween. As the final step, you should change main() so that it waits for all the CompletableFuture objects to complete using allOf and join, followed by printing out the description of the bus routes found.

The speed up your would experience for the asynchronous version depends on the complexity of the inputs. For the following test input:

8031 Orchard
17009 NUS
17009 MRT
15131 Stn
8031 Int
12345 Dummy
I reduced the time from around 120-180 seconds to 10-15 seconds, more than 10 times speedup. Your mileage may vary, but you should see some speed up in the total query time.

Your code should produce the exact same set of bus routes as the synchronous version, although it can be in a different order.

$ javac *java
$ java Main <
$ java Main <
$ java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ~cs2030s/bin/cs2030_checks.xml *.java

Following CS2030S Style Guide

You should make sure that your code follows the given Java style guide and the give Java documentation guide.