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Exercise 2: Simulation 2

  • Deadline: 14 February 2023, Wednesday, 23:59 SGT
  • Difficulty Level: 5


  • Completed Exercise 1
  • Caught up to Unit 19 of Lecture Notes
  • Familiar with the CS2030S Java style guide


This is a continuation of Exercise 1. Exercise 2 changes some of the requirements of Exercise 1 and adds some new things to the world that we are simulating. The goal is to demonstrate that, when OO principles are applied properly, we can adapt our code to changes in the requirement with less effort. If your design for Exercise 1 follows the OOP principles, then only about 50 lines of changes/additions are required.

For Exercise 2, you should (i) improve upon your design for Exercise 1 if needed, (ii) update BankSimulation and associated classes to simulate the extended scenarios, and (iii) update the input and output components of the classes to conform to the specification below.

Exercise 2 also nudges you towards following good coding practice by adhering to a published coding convention.

Extension 1: Simulating a Bank with a Queue

Recall that, no waiting was allowed inside the bank we are simulating. The bank is losing customers as a customer departs if all the counters are busy.

Exercise 2 adds an entrance queue to the bank. If all counters are busy when a customer arrives, the customer will join the queue and wait. When a counter becomes available, the customer at the front of the queue will proceed to the counter for service.

The entrance queue has a maximum queue length of \(m\). If there are already \(m\) customers waiting in the entrance queue, any arriving customer will be turned away1.

If some counters are available when a customer arrives, the customer will go the first available counter, just like in Exercise 1.

Extension 2: Customer with a Task

Customers now come to the bank with a task they intend to do. The task can be either a deposit or a withdrawal. Note: We are not going to implement the withdrawal and deposit logic in our bank simulator yet.

Changes to Input

  1. There is an additional input parameter in the first line of the input file, an integer \(m\), indicating the maximum allowed length of the entrance queue. This input parameter should be read immediately after reading the number of customers and the number of service counters.

  2. There is an additional input parameter at the end of each line in the input file that describes a customer's arrival. The new parameter is an int, which is either \(0\) (for deposit) or \(1\) (for withdrawal).

Changes to Output

  1. A customer will now be printed with a single letter prefix C. For instance, instead of Customer 1, we print C1.

  2. A service counter will now be printed with a single letter prefix S. For instance, instead of Counter 1, we print S1.

  3. The entrance queue of the bank will be printed with the arrival event. E.g., the following shows that C3 arrived at time 1.400 and at the time of arrival, there were two customers, C1 and C2, waiting in the entrance queue.

    1.400: C3 arrived [ C1 C2 ]

  4. If a customer joins the entrance queue, the customer along with the queue before joining should be printed. E.g.,

    1.400: C3 joined queue [ C1 C2 ]

  5. When a customer begins being served or is done being served, the task the customer is doing should be printed. For example, Customer C2 withdrawing at bank counter S1 would be printed as:

    5.100: C2 withdrawal begin (by S0)
    7.100: C2 withdrawal done (by S0)

Skeleton for Exercise 2

We only provide two classes for Exercise 2, the main (which is simply renamed) and The is similar to is new. It models a FIFO queue of objects. Its usage will be explained further below.

Both files should not be modified for this exercise.

Building on Exercise 1

You are required to build on top of your Exercise 1 submission for this exercise.

Assuming you have ex1-<username> and ex2-<username> under the same directory, and ex2-<username> is your current working directory, you can run

cp -i ../ex1-<username>/*.java .
rm -i

to copy all your Java code over and remove the main file for Ex1.

If you are still unfamiliar with Unix commands to navigate the file system and manage files, please review our Unix guide.

You are encouraged to consider your tutor's feedback and fix any issues with your design for your Exercise 1 submission before you embark on your Exercise 2.

The Queue class

Queue is a general class for a first-in, first-out queue of objects. Here is an example of how it is used:

// Create a queue that holds up to 4 elements
Queue q = new Queue(4);

// Add a string into the queue.  returns true if successful; 
// false otherwise.
boolean b = q.enq("a1");

// Remove a string from the queue.  `Queue::deq` returns an 
// `Object`, so narrowing type conversion is needed.  Returns 
// `null` if queue is empty.
String s = (String) q.deq();

// Returns the string representation of the queue (showing 
// each element)
String s = q.toString();

// Returns true if the queue is full, false otherwise.
boolean b = q.isFull();

// Returns true if the queue is empty, false otherwise.
boolean b = q.isEmpty();

// Returns the number of objects in the queue
int l = q.length();

Following CS2030S Style Guide

In addition to the changes above, you should also make sure that your code follows the given Java style guide

You can use checkstyle tool and the given configuration ex2_style.xml to check your code:

java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ex2_style.xml *.java


We assume that no two events involving two different customers ever occur at the same time (except when a customer departs and another customer begins its service). As per all exercises, we assume that the input is correctly formatted.

Compiling, Testing, and Debugging


To compile your code,

javac *.java

Running and Testing

You should not test your code by manually entering the inputs. Instead, enter the inputs into a file, and run

java Ex2 < file

A set of test inputs is provided as part of the skeleton, named under the inputs directory. You can run them with, for instance,

java Ex2 < inputs/

You can save the output by redirecting it into a file.

java Ex2 < inputs/ > OUT

You can automatically test your code against all the given inputs/outputs as well as against the checkstyle by running:

./ Ex2


The expected outputs are given in the outputs directory. You can compare OUT with the expected output with diff or vim. Using vim,

vim -d OUT outputs/Ex2.1.out

will open both files and highlight the differences.

As the output becomes too long, you can focus on tracing a particular counter or customer with the help of grep. Suppose you want to focus on what happened to Customer 1 in OUT, run

grep ": C1" OUT

You should see the following output:

1.200: C1 arrived [ ]
1.200: C1 service begin (by S1)
2.200: C1 service done (by S1)
2.200: C1 departed

Suppose you want to see all the customers served by S1, run:

grep "S1" OUT

You should see the following output:

1.200: C1 service begin (by S1)
2.200: C1 service done (by S1)
2.200: C4 service begin (by S1)
3.200: C4 service done (by S1)

  1. This is known as "balking" in queueing theory.