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Exercise 1: Simulation I

  • Deadline: 6 February 2024, Tuesday, 23:59 SGT
  • Difficulty Level: 3


  • Completed Exercise 0
  • Caught up to Unit 18 of Lecture Notes


The goal of Exercise 1 is for you to practice the basic OOP principles: encapsulation (including tell-don't-ask and information hiding), abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.

You are given six classes: five Java classes and one main Ex1 class. Two of them are poorly written without applying any of the OOP principles. Using the OO principles that you have learned, you should rewrite, remove, or add new classes as needed.

Background: Discrete Event Simulator

A discrete event simulator is a piece of software that simulates a system (often modeled after the real world) with events and states. An event occurs at a particular time and each event alters the states of the system and may generate more events. A discrete event simulator can be used to study many complex real-world systems. The term discrete refers to the fact that the states remain unchanged between two events, and therefore, the simulator can jump from the time of one event to another, instead of following the clock in real time.

In Exercise 1, we provide you with three very generic classes: Simulator, which implements a discrete event simulator, Event, which encapsulates an event (with a time), and Simulation, which encapsulates the states we are simulating. The Event and Simulation class can be extended to implement any actual simulation (network, road traffic, weather, pandemic, etc).

Simulating a Bank

In Exercise 1, we wish to extend the Simulation class to simulate customers in a bank.

A bank can have one or more bank counters (aka tellers). In the beginning, all bank counters are available. A counter becomes unavailable when it is serving a customer, and becomes available again after servicing a customer.

A customer, upon arrival at the bank, goes to the first available counter. If no counter is available, the customer departs (we are simulating a tiny bank with no space for waiting). Otherwise, the customer is served by a counter. After being served for a given amount of time (called service time), the customer departs.

Two classes, BankSimulation (a subclass of Simulation) and BankEvent (a subclass of Event) are provided. The two classes implement the simulation above.

The Event class

You should not edit this class. The following is for your info only.

The Event class is an abstract class with a single field time, which indicates the time the event occurs. The Event::toString method returns the time as a string and the Event::getTime method returns the time.

The most important thing to know about the Event class is that it has an abstract method simulate that needs to be overridden by its subclass to concretely define the action to be taken when this event occurs.

Simulating an event can lead to more events being created. Event::simulate returns an array of Event instances.

The Simulation class

You should not edit this class. The following is for your info only.

The Simulation class is an abstract class with a single method getInitialEvents, which returns an array of events to simulate. Each of these events may generate more events.

The Simulator class

You should not edit this class. The following is for your info only.

The Simulator class is a class with only two methods and it is what drives the simulation. To run the simulator, we initialize it with a Simulation instance, and then call run:

Simulation sim = new SomeSimulation(); 
new Simulator(sim).run(); 

The Simulation::run method simply does the following:

  • It gets the list of initial Event objects from the Simulation object;
  • It then simulates the pool of events, one by one in the order of increasing time, by calling Event::simulate;
  • If simulating an event results in one or more new events, the new events are added to the pool.
  • Before each event is simulated, Event::toString is called and a message is printed
  • The simulation stops running if there are no more events to simulate.

For those of you taking CS2040S, you might be interested to know that the Simulator class uses a priority queue to keep track of the events with their time as the key.

The BankSimulation class

You are expected to edit this class and create new classes.

The BankSimulation class is a concrete implementation of a Simulation. This class is responsible for:

  • reading the inputs from the standard inputs,

  • initialize the bank counters (represented with boolean available arrays)

  • initialize the events corresponding to customer arrivals

  • return the list of customer arrival events to the Simulator object when getInitialEvent is called.

Each customer has an ID. The first customer has id \(0\), the next one is \(1\), and so on.

Each counter has an ID, numbered from \(0\), \(1\), \(2\), and onwards.

The BankEvent class

You are expected to replace this class with new classes. You should remove the file before submission if the file is no longer used in your solution.

The BankEvent class is a concrete implementation of Event. This class overrides the simulate method to simulate the customer and counter behavior.

A BankEvent instance can be tagged as either an arrival event, service-begin event, service-end event, or departure event.

  • Arrival: the customer arrives. It finds the first available bank counter (scanning from ID \(0\) upwards) and goes to the counter for service immediately. A service-begin event is generated. If no counter is available, it departs. A departure event is generated.

  • Service-begin: the customer is being served. A service-end event scheduled at the time (current time + service time) is generated.

  • Service-end: the customer is done being served and departs immediately. A departure event is generated.

  • Departure: the customer departs.

Inputs and Outputs

The main program reads the following, from the standard inputs.

  • An integer \(n\), for the number of customers to simulate.

  • An integer \(k\), for the number of bank counters the Bank has.

  • \(n\) pairs of double values, each pair corresponds to a customer. The first value indicates the arrival time, and the second indicates the service time for the customer.

The customers are sorted in increasing order of arrival time.


We assume that no two events at the same time will ever be in the collection of events and no customer will arrive exactly at the same time as another customer is leaving. As per all exercises, we assume that the input is correctly formatted.

Your Task

The two classes, BankSimulation and BankEvent, are poorly written. They do not fully exploit OOP features and apply the OO principles such as abstraction, encapsulation (including information hiding and tell-don't-ask), composition, inheritance, polymorphism, and LSP.

Rewrite these two classes (adding new ones as needed) with the OOP principles that you have learned:

  • encapsulation to group relevant fields and methods into new classes;

  • inheritance and composition to model the relationship between the classes;

  • information hiding to hide internal details; and

  • using polymorphism to make the code more succinct and extendable in the future, while adhering to the LSP.

Here are some hints:

  • Think about the problem that you are solving: what are the nouns? These are good candidates for new classes.

  • For each class, what are the attributes/properties relevant to the class? These are good candidates for fields in the class.

  • Do the classes relate to each other via IS-A or HAS-A relationship?

  • For each class, what are their responsibilities? What can they do? These are good candidates for methods in the class.

  • How do the objects of each class interact? These are good candidates for public methods.

  • What are some behavior that changes depending on the specific type of object?

Note that the goal of this exercise, and CS2030S in general, is NOT to solve the problem with the cleverest and the shortest piece of code possible. For instance, you might notice that you can solve Exercise 1 with only a few variables and an array. But such a solution is hard to extend and modify. In CS2030S, our goal is to produce software that can easily evolve and be modified, with a reduced risk of introducing bugs while doing so.

Note that Exercise 1 is the first of a series of exercises, where we introduce new requirements or modify existing ones in every exercise (not unlike what software engineers face in the real world). We will modify the behavior of the bank, the counters, and the customers. In particular, in the future,

  • a customer may have different reasons to go to the bank, for example, to deposit money.
  • there may be different counters that only allow a customer to do a specific task, such as making a deposit, making a withdrawal, or opening an account.
  • counters may open and close at different times.
  • the bank might expand and be able to handle more customers and more counters.

Thus, making sure that your code will be able to adapt to new problem statements is the key. If you solve the exercise without considering this, you will likely find yourself painted into a corner and have to re-write much of your solution to handle any new requirements.


You will find the sub-directories inputs and outputs in the given skeleton. These directories contain the test cases. The file contains the input for Test Case \(x\); the file Ex1.x.out contains the expected output for Test Case \(x\).

A script has been given to you for testing. To test your program, run

./ Ex1

You should see:

test 1: passed
test 2: passed
test 3: passed
test 4: passed
test 5: passed
Ex1: passed 🎉

Note that the given skeleton is a fully working program. Thus, it already passed the test cases.

If you want to test your program with your own test cases, run the following:

java Ex1 < FILE

where FILE is the file that contains your own test case. If you are not familiar with <, take a look at our Unix CLI notes on standard input and output.

Comparing Outputs

If the output of your program is different from the expected output, you can redirect the output of your program to a file for inspection. For instance, suppose that your code failed Test Case 3. The following would create a file OUT that contains the output from your program for Test Case 3.

java Ex1 < inputs/ > OUT

Use vim -d to compare your output with the expected output.

vim -d OUT outputs/Ex1.3.out

Style (Optional)

Make sure that your code following our coding style is optional for Exercise 1. If you would like to keep your code neat, tidy, and adhere to the CS2030S style, you can run

java -jar ~cs2030s/bin/checkstyle.jar -c ex1_style.xml *.java

You should see the following output, with nothing in between the two lines. Any style errors would appear in between the two.

Starting audit...
Audit done.

Documentation (Optional)

Documenting your code with Javadoc is optional for Exercise 1. It is, however, always a good practice to include comments to help readers understand your code.