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Unit 5: Information Hiding

Learning Objectives

After taking this unit, students should:

  • understand the drawback of breaking the abstraction barrier.
  • understand the concept of information hiding to enforce the abstraction barrier.
  • understand how Java uses access modifiers to enforce information hiding.
  • understand what is a constructor and how to write one in Java.

Breaking the Abstraction Barrier

In the ideal case, the code above the abstraction barrier would just call the provided interface to use the composite data type. There, however, may be cases where a programmer may intentionally or accidentally break the abstraction barrier.

Consider the case of Circle in Unit 4, where we modify the radius r directly with c.r = 10. In doing so, we, as the client to Circle, make an explicit assumption of how Circle implements a circle. The implementation details have been leaked outside the abstraction barrier. Now, if the implementer wishes to change the representation of the Circle, to say, store the diameter, instead.

// Circle using Diameter
class Circle {
  double x;
  double y;
  double d; // d for diameter

  double getArea() {
    return 3.141592653589793 * d * d / 4.0;

This small implementation change would invalidate the code that the client has written! The line c.r = 10; will cause a compilation error. The client will have to carefully change all the code that makes the assumption, and modify it accordingly, increasing the chances of introducing a bug.

Data Hiding

Many OO languages allow programmers to explicitly specify if a field or a method can be accessed from outside the abstraction barrier. Java, for instance, supports private and public access modifiers. A field or a method that is declared as private cannot be accessed from outside the class, and can only be accessed within the class. On the other hand, as you can guess, a public field or method can be accessed, modified, or invoked from outside the class.

Such a mechanism to protect the abstraction barrier from being broken is called data hiding or information hiding. This protection is enforced by the compiler at compile time.

In our original Circle class (v0.1) in Unit 4, we did not specify any access modifier — this amounts to using the default modifier, the meaning of which is not our concern right now1 For a start, we will explicitly indicate private or public for all our methods and fields.

Circle v0.2
class Circle {
  private double x;
  private double y;
  private double r;

  public double getArea() {
    return 3.141592653589793 * r * r;

So, as a quick summary, the two access modifiers are shown below.

Now the fields x, y, and r are hidden behind the abstraction barrier of the class Circle. Note that these fields are not accessible and modifiable outside of the class Circle, but they can be accessed and modified within Circle (inside the abstraction barrier), such as in the methods getArea.

Breaking Python's Abstraction Barrier

Python tries to prevent accidental access to internal representation by having a convention of prefixing the internal variables with _ (one underscore) or __ (two underscores). This method, however, does not prevent a lazy programmer from directly accessing the variables and possibly planting a bug/error that will surface later.

In summary, the two access modifiers are shown below:

Acessed from private public
Inside the class
Outside the class


With data hiding, we completely isolate the internal representation of a class using an abstraction barrier. But, with no way for the client of the class to modify the fields directly, how can the client initialize the fields in a class? To get around this, it is common for a class to provide methods to initialize these internal fields.

A method that initializes an object is called a constructor.

A constructor method is a special method within the class. It cannot be called directly but is invoked automatically when an object is instantiated. In Java, a constructor method has the same name as the class and has no return type. A constructor can take in arguments just like other functions. Let's add a constructor to our Circle class:

Circle v0.3
class Circle {
  private double x;
  private double y;
  private double r;

  public Circle(double x, double y, double r) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.r = r;

  public double getArea() {
    return 3.141592653589793 * this.r * this.r;

Now, to create a Circle object, we need to pass in three arguments:

Circle c = new Circle(0.0, 0.5, 10.0);

Constructor in Python and JavaScript

In Python, the constructor is the __init__ method. In JavaScript, the constructor is simply called constructor.

Default Constructor

Our original Circle v0.1 does not have any constructor. If there is no constructor given, then a default constructor is added automatically at compile time. The default constructor has no parameter and has no code written for the body. In the case of Circle v0.1, the default constructor would be the following:

Circle() {

Notice the condition "if no constructor is given at all". If at least one constructor is provided, Java will not add the default constructor automatically.

The this Keyword

The code above also introduces the this keyword. this is a reference variable that refers back to the calling object itself. It can be used to distinguish between two variables of the same name. In the example above, this.x = x means we want to set the field x of this object to the parameter x passed into the constructor.

Now that you have been introduced to this, we have also updated the method body of getArea and replaced r with this.r. Although there is nothing syntactically wrong with using just r, sticking to the idiom of referring to members through the this reference makes the code easier to understand for readers. The this reference makes it explicit that the expression is referring to a field in the class, rather than a local variable or a parameter.

  1. The other access modifier is protected. Again, we do not want to worry about this modifier for now.