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Unit 31: Box and Maybe

Learning Objectives

After this unit, students should appreciate:

  • the generality of the class Box<T> and Maybe<T>
  • how passing in functions as parameters can lead to highly general abstractions
  • how Maybe<T> preserves the "maybe null" semantics over a reference type by internalizing checks for null

Lambda as a Cross-Barrier State Manipulator

Recall that every class has an abstraction barrier between the client and the implementer. The internal states of the class are heavily protected and hidden. The implementer selectively provides a set of methods to access and manipulate the internal states of instances. This approach allows the implementer to control what the client can and cannot do to the internal states. This is good if we want to build abstractions over specific entities such as shapes or data structures such as a stack, but it is not flexible enough to build general abstraction.

Let's consider the following class:

class Box<T> {
  private T item;

It is a box containing a single item of type T. Suppose that we want to keep the item hidden and we want to have certain rules and maintain some semantics about the use of the item. As such, we don't want to provide any setter or getter, so that the client may not break our rules. What are some ways we can still operate on this item?

The only way we can do this is to provide methods that accept a lambda expression, apply the lambda expression on the item, and return the new box with the new value. For instance,

class Box<T> {
  private T item;

  public <U> Box<U> map(Transformer<? super T, ? extends U> transformer) {
    if (!isPresent()) {
      return empty();
    return Box.ofNullable(transformer.transform(this.item));

  public Box<T> filter(BooleanCondition<? super T> condition) {
    if (!isPresent() || !(condition.test(this.item)) {
      return empty();
    return this;

The method map takes in a lambda expression and allows us to arbitrarily apply a function to the item, while the method filter allows us to perform an arbitrary check on the property of the item.

Methods such as these, which accept a function as a parameter, allow the client to manipulate the data behind the abstraction barrier without knowing the internals of the object. Here, we are treating lambda expressions as "manipulators" that we can pass in behind the abstraction barrier and modify the internals arbitrarily for us, while the container or the box tries to maintain the semantics for us.


Let's now look at Box<T> in a slightly different light. Let's rename it to Maybe<T>. Maybe<T> is an option type, a common abstraction in programming languages (java.util.Optional in Java, option in Scala, Maybe in Haskell, Nullable<T> in C#, etc) that is a wrapper around a value that is either there or is null. The Maybe<T> abstraction allows us to write code without mostly not worrying about the possibility that our value is missing. When we call map on a value that is missing, nothing happens.

Recall that we wish to write a program that is as close to pure mathematical functions as possible, a mathematical function always has a well-defined domain and codomain. If we have a method that looks like this:

Counter c = bank.findCounter();

Then findCounter is mapping from the domain on banks or counters. However, if we implement findCounter such that it returns null if no counter is available, then findCounter is not a function anymore. The return value null is not a counter, as we cannot do things that we can normally do on counters to it. So findCounter now maps to a value outside its codomain! This violation of the purity of function adds complications to our code, as we now have to specifically filter out null value, and is a common source of bugs.

One way to fix this is to have a special counter (say, class NullCounter extends Counter) that is returned whenever no counter is available. This way, our findCounter remains a pure function. But this is not a general solution. If we adopt this solution, everywhere we return null in place of a non-null instance we have to create a special subclass.

Another way, that is more general, is to expand the codomain of the function to include null, and wrap both null and Counter under a type called Maybe<Counter>. We make findCounter returns a Maybe<Counter> instead

Maybe<Counter> c = bank.findCounter();

With this design, findCounter is now a function with the domain Bank mapped to the codomain Maybe<Counter>, and it is pure.

Another way to view the Maybe<T> class is that it internalizes all the checks for null on the client's behalf. Maybe<T> ensures that if null represents a missing value, then the semantics of this missing value is preserved throughout the chain of map and filter operations. Within its implementation, Maybe<T> do the right thing when the value is missing to prevent us from encountering NullPointerException. There is a check for null when needed, internally, within Maybe<T>. This internalization removes the burden of checking for null on the programmer and removes the possibility of run-time crashes due to missing null checks.