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Unit 27: Type Inference

Learning Objectives

Students should

  • be familiar how Java infers missing type arguments.


We have seen in the past units the importance of types in preventing run-time errors. Utilizing types properly can help programmers catch type mismatch errors that could have caused a program to fail during run-time, possibly after it is released and shipped.

By including type information everywhere in the code, we make the code explicit in communicating the intention of the programmers to the readers. Although it makes the code more verbose and cluttered -- it is a small price to pay for ensuring the type correctness of the code and reducing the likelihood of bugs as the code complexity increases.

Java, however, allows the programmer to skip some of the type annotations and try to infer the type argument of a generic method and a generic type, through the type inference process. The basic idea of type inference is simple:

Java will looking among the matching types that would lead to successful type checks, and pick the most specific ones.

There are deviations to the "most specific" ones but that is because Java will only infer based on the type that is available in the type constraints. Remember, when Java is performing compilation, it somewhat guarantees that the compiled code (i.e., the JVM bytecode) can be used regardless of what classes are going to be added in the future.

Inferring the type allows you to write less code. This is especially useful if the type that is used is horribly long. Here is an example of a possibly horribly long generic type.

Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> map;

That is only variable declaration. We will have to copy the type to instantiate the Map.

Diamond Operator

One example of type inference is the diamond operator <> when we insantiate a generic type using the new operator:

Pair<String, Integer> p = new Pair<>();

Java can infer that p should be an instance of Pair<String, Integer> since the compile-time type of p is Pair<String, Integer>. The line above is equivalent to:

Pair<String,Integer> p = new Pair<String,Integer>();

So now, we can immediately see how this is useful for our Map. We can simply type

map = new Map<>();

and voila, we do not have to copy the entire type. It should be noted that there is a slight drawback to this. We have to be careful in typing the type during the declaration of the variable map. If there is a mistake there, Java type inference cannot help you. On the other hand, if you spelled out the type in two places, it is like having to "confirm your password".

Argument Typing

We have been invoking

Seq v0.7
class A {
  public static <S> boolean contains(Seq<? extends S> seq, S obj) {
    for (int i = 0; i < seq.getLength(); i++) {
      S curr = seq.get(i);
      if (curr.equals(obj)) {
        return true;
    return false;

by explicitly passing in the type argument Shape (also called type witness in the context of type inference).

     A.<Shape>contains(circleSeq, shape);

We could remove the type argument <Shape> so that we can call contains just like a non-generic method:

     A.contains(circleSeq, shape);

and Java could still infer that S should be Shape. The type inference process looks for all possible types that match (that are known from type constraints). In this example, the type of the two parameters must match. Let's consider each individually first:

  • An object of type Shape is passed as an argument to the parameter obj (i.e., the second parameter). So S might be Shape or, if widening type conversion has occurred, one of the other supertypes of Shape. Therefore, we can say that Shape <: S <: Object.
    • For obvious reason, we put the type upper-bound at Object because Object has no supertype.
  • A Seq<Circle> has been passed into Seq<? extends S>. Because Java generic is invariant and wild card works by substitution, the only possible type for ? is Circle.
    • We start with ? extends S and we replace ? with Circle, so this gives us Circle extends S.
    • In other words, we have Circle <: S <: Object.

Solving for these two constraints on S, we get the following:

Shape <: S <: Object 

We therefore know that S could be Shape or one of its supertypes: GetAreable and Object. We choose the lower bound, so S is inferred to be Shape.

Type inferencing can have unexpected consequences. Let's consider an older version of contains that we wrote:

contains v0.4
class A {
  public static <T> boolean contains(T[] array, T obj) {
    for (T curr : array) {
      if (curr.equals(obj)) {
        return true;
    return false;

Recall that we want to prevent nonsensical calls where we are searching for an integer in an array of strings.

String[] strArray = new String[] { "hello", "world" };
A.<String>contains(strArray, 123); // type mismatch error

But, if we write:

A.contains(strArray, 123); // ok!  (huh?)

The code compiles! Let's go through the type inferencing steps to understand what happened. Again, we have two parameters:

  • strArray has the type String[] and is passed to T[]. So T must be String or its superclass Object (i.e. String <: T <: Object). The latter is possible since Java array is covariant.
  • 123 is passed as type T. Since 123 is a primitive int and T is a reference type, we auto-box int into the wrapper class Integer. So the value is treated as Integer and, therefore, T must be either Integer, or its superclasses Number, and Object (i.e. Integer <: T <: Object).

Solving for these two constraints:

Object <: T <: Object

Therefore T can only have the type Object, so Java infers T to be Object. But why is the type lower-bound also Object and not one of String or Integer? This is because String and Integer has no other common supertype1 besides Object.

The code above is equivalent to:

A.<Object>contains(strSeq, 123);

And our contains v0.4 is actually quite fragile and does not work as intended. We were bitten by the fact that the Java array is covariant, yet again.

Target Typing

The example above performs type inferencing on the parameters of the generic methods. Type inferencing can involve the type of the expression as well. This is known as target typing. Take the following upgraded version of findLargest:

findLargest v0.6
public static <T extends GetAreable> T findLargest(Seq<? extends T> seq) {
  double maxArea = 0;
  T maxObj = null;
  for (int i = 0; i < seq.getLength(); i++) {
    T curr = seq.get(i);
    double area = curr.getArea();
    if (area > maxArea) {
      maxArea = area;
      maxObj = curr;
  return maxObj;

and we call

Shape o = A.findLargest(new Seq<Circle>(0));

We have a few more constraints to check:

  • Due to target typing, the return type of T must be a subtype of Shape (i.e. T <: Shape)
  • Due to the bound of the type parameter (i.e., <T extends GetAreable>), T must be a subtype of GetAreable (i.e. T <: GetAreable)
  • Due to argument typing, Seq<Circle> must be a subtype of Seq<? extends T>, so ? is Circle because Java generic is invariant. This means, T must be the supertype of Circle (i.e., Circle <: T <: Object).

Solving for all three of these constraints:

Circle <: T <: Shape

The lower bound is Circle, so the call above is equivalent to:

Shape o = A.<Circle>findLargest(new Seq<Circle>(0));

Further Type Inference Examples

We now return to our Circle and ColoredCircle classes and the GetAreable interface. Recall that Circle implements GetAreable and ColoredCircle inherits from Circle.

Example 1

Consider the following method signature of a generic method foo:

public <T extends Circle> T foo(Seq<? extends T> seq)

Then we consider the following code excerpt:

ColoredCircle c = foo(new Seq<GetAreable>());

What does the java compiler infer T to be? Lets look at all of the constraints on T.

  • Argument Typing: Seq<GetAreable> is passed into Seq<? extends T>.
    • ? must be GetAreable, so we have GetAreable extends T.
    • Type Constraint: GetAreable <: T <: Object.
  • Target Typing: T is assigned to ColoredCircle.
    • T must be a subtype of ColoredCircle.
    • Type Constraint: T <: ColoredCircle.
  • Type Parameter: <T extends Circle>
    • Type Constraint: T <: Circle.

Type Constraints

  • GetAreable <: T <: Object
  • T <: ColoredCircle
  • T <: Circle

We can see that there no solution to our contraints, T can not be both a subtype of ColoredCircle and a supertype of GetAreable and therefore the Java compiler can not find a type T. The Java compiler will throw an error stating the inference variable T has incompatible bounds.

Example 2

Lets consider another example using the following method signature of a generic method bar:

public <T extends Circle> T bar(Seq<? super T> seq)

Then we consider the following code excerpt:

GetAreable c = bar(new Seq<Circle>());

What does the java compiler infer T to be? Again, lets look at all of the constraints on T.

  • Argument Typing: Array<Circle> is passed into Array<? super T>.
    • ? must be Circle, so we have Circle super T.
    • Type Constraint: T <: Circle.
  • Target Typing: T is assigned to GetAreable.
    • T must be a subtype of GetAreable.
    • Type Constraint: T <: GetAreable.
  • Type Parameter: <T extends Circle>
    • Type Constraint: T <: Circle.

Type Constraints

  • T <: GetAreable
  • T <: Circle

Solving for these two constraints, we can simplify it to:

T <: Circle

Whilst ColoredCircle is also a subtype of Circle it is not included in the type constraint and therefore the compiler does not consider this class during type inference. Indeed, the compiler cannot be aware2 of all subtypes of Circle and there could be more than one subtype. Therefore T can only have the type Circle, so Java infers T to be Circle.

Multiple ?

Recap that we should treat each wildcard ? separately. In other words, each ? should be treated as potentially different type. An easy way to remember this is to put a number for each ?.

So the first ? you see should be renamed into ?1. This is similar to how Java treated this internally by renaming it into CAP#1. In the end, the different ? may be the same type, but at the start you should treat them separately.

Also, please remember that the focus of the type inference is to infer the type parameter and not to infer each ?. So please focus on the type parameter and not the wildcards.

Of course, from our discussion, we simply replace the wildcards with a type because there has to be an explicit usage of it for us to infer. But if there is no usage at all (e.g., the method with type parameter is not even invoked), then ? can be anything. This may lead to a potential issue where the code may initially compile but after the usage is added, it no longer compiles.

Rules for Type Inference

We now summarize the steps for type inference. First, we figure out all of the type constraints and then we solve these constraints. If no type can satisfy all the constraints, we know that Java will fail to compile.

So where do these type constraints come from?

  1. Argument Typing: Type of argument is passed to parameter.
  2. Target Typing: Return type is passed to variable.
  3. Type Parameter: The declared type, especially for bounded type parameter.

Once you have collected all the type constraints, you can start resolving the type constraints. If in resolving the type constraints for a given type parameter T we are left with:

  • Type1 <: T <: Type2, then T is inferred as Type1.
  • Type1 <: T3, then T is inferred as Type1.
    • Alternatively, consider the constraint as Type1 <: T <: Object.
  • T <: Type2, then T is inferred as Type2.
    • Alternatively, consider the constraint as Type2 <: T <: Type2.

where Type1 and Type2 are arbitrary types.

No Usage Typing

The type constraints come strictly from the three parts above. How the type is used is irrelevant for inference. This may lead to a failure in type inference although there is actually a type that can be used. Consider the same example from above

public <T extends Circle> T bar(Array<? super T> array)

Now consider the following code snippet where getColor is a method available in ColoredCircle but not Circle.

bar(new Array<Circle>()).getColor();

Remember that the type inference procedure above inferred the T is Circle. But Circle has no method getColor. So this will end in a compilation error. However, also note that if the inference was T is ColoredCircle, the compilation should have been successful. This shows that the type inference does not take into account how the type is going to be used.

  1. The reality is more complicated. Both String and Integer are subtype of Comparable<T> for their respective T. So the deduced type is closer to Object & Comparable. Such complications do not occur if we create our own classes. In most cases, we will consider only the "obvious" supertype and ignore Comparable (or any type after &). 

  2. Due to evolving specifications of software, at the time of compilation, a subtype may not have even been conceived of or written yet! 

  3. Note that T <: Object is implicit here. We can see that this case could also be written as Type1 <: T <: Object, and would therefore also be explained by the previous case (Type1 <: T <: Type2).