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Unit 20: Run-Time Class Mismatch

Learning Objectives

Students should

  • understand the need for narrowing type conversion and type casting when writing code that depends on higher-level abstraction.
  • understand the possibility of encountering run-time errors if typecasting is not done properly.


We have seen in Unit 18 how we can write code that is reusable and general by making our code dependent on types at a higher-level of abstraction. Our main example is the following findLargest method, which takes in an array of objects that support the getArea method, and returns the largest area among these objects.

findLargest v0.4
double findLargest(GetAreable[] array) {
  double maxArea = 0;
  for (GetAreable curr : array) {
    double area = curr.getArea();
    if (area > maxArea) {
      maxArea = area;
  return maxArea;

The method served our purpose well, but it is NOT a very well-designed method. Just returning the value of the largest area is not as useful as returning the object with the largest area. Once the caller has a reference of the object, the caller can call getArea to find the value of the largest area.

Let's write our findLargest method to find which object has the largest area instead.

findLargest v0.5
GetAreable findLargest(GetAreable[] array) {
  double maxArea = 0;
  GetAreable maxObj = null;
  for (GetAreable curr : array) {
    double area = curr.getArea();
    if (area > maxArea) {
      maxArea = area;
      maxObj = curr;
  return maxObj;

Let's see how findLargest can be used:

GetAreable[] circles = new GetAreable[] {
  new Circle(new Point(1, 1), 2),
  new Circle(new Point(0, 0), 5)

GetAreable ga = findLargest(circles);  // ok
Circle c1 = findLargest(circles); // error
Circle c2 = (Circle) findLargest(circles); // ok

The return type of findLargest v0.5 is now GetAreable. On Line 6 above, we assign the return object with a compile-time type of GetAreable to ga, which also has GetAreable as its compile-time type. Since the variable ga is of type GetAreable, however, it is not very useful. Recall that GetAreable is an interface with only one method getArea. We cannot use it as a circle.

On Line 7, we try to return the return object to a variable with compile-time type Circle. This line, however, causes a compile-time error. Since Circle <: GetAreable, this is a narrowing type conversion and thus is not allowed (See Unit 14). We will have to make an explicit cast of the result to Circle (on Line 8). Only with casting, our code can compile and we get a reference with a compile-time type of Circle.

Cast Carefully

Typecasting, as we did in Line 8 above, is basically is a way for programmers to ask the compiler to trust that the object returned by findLargest has a run-time type of Circle (or its subtype).

In the snippet above, we can be sure (even prove) that the returned object from findLargest must have a run-time type of Circle since the input variable circles contains only Circle objects.

The need to cast our returned object, however, leads to fragile code. Since the correctness of Line 8 depends on the run-time type, the compiler cannot help us. It is then up to the programmers to not make mistakes.

Consider the following two snippets, which will compile perfectly, but will lead to the program crashing at run-time.

GetAreable[] circles = new GetAreable[] {
  new Circle(new Point(1, 1), 2),
  new Square(new Point(1, 1), 5)

Circle c2 = (Circle) findLargest(circles);


GetAreable[] circles = new GetAreable[] {
  new Circle(new Point(1, 1), 2),
  new Circle(new Point(1, 1), 5)

Square sq = (Square) findLargest(circles);

We will see how to resolve this problem in later units.

Type Case Checks

Although type casting is like telling the compiler that we -- the programmer -- know better, some cases are really indefensible that the compiler will know immediately that it is wrong. The checks done during type casting in Java can be classified into two parts: compile-time check and run-time check.

We consider the following statement:

a = (C) b;

Compile-Time Check

During compile-time, the compile will perform the following checks:

  1. Find the compile-time type of variable b (denoted CTT(b)).
  2. Check if there is a "possibility" that the run-time type of b (denoted RTT(b)) is a subtype of C (i.e., RTT(b) <: C). We will explain the possibilities more later.
    • If it is impossible, then exit with compilation error.
    • Otherwise, continue to step 3.
  3. Find the compile-time type of variable a (denoted CTT(a)).
  4. Check if C is a subtype of CTT(a) (i.e., C <: CTT(a)).
    • If it is not, then exit with compilation error.
    • Otherwise, add run-time check for RTT(b) <: C.

Note that step (1) and (2) is checking if the type cast operation (i.e., (C) b) can potentially happen or not. Step (3) and (4) checks if the assignment (i.e., a = <expr>;) satisfies the subtyping relationship or not. The check at step (4) is simply a check for widening.


We will consider 3 cases where it is possible for RTT(b) to be a subtype of C. There may be other cases, so you have to think about possibilities in terms of potential new classes added in the future.

  1. Case 1: CTT(b) <: C
    • This is simply widening and is always allowed.
    • The use of explicit type cast is unnecessary but not incorrect.
  2. Case 2: C <: CTT(b)
    • This is narrowing and requires run-time checks.
    • Consider C <: B:
      • If CTT(b) = B and RTT(b) = C (or subtype of C), then it is allowed at run-time.
      • If CTT(b) = B and RTT(b) = B (or other subtype of B that is not C), then it not allowed at run-time. Since there is a possibility, the compiler will add codes to check at run-time.
  3. Case 3: C is an interface
    • Let CTT(b) = B. Then it may have a subclass A such that A <: C (i.e., implements the interface C).
      class A extends B implements C { .. }
    • If RTT(b) = A, then it is allowed at run-time.


There are certain cases where it is impossible for RTT(b) to be a subtype of C. We will explain two cases here.

  1. Let CTT(b) = B and let both B and C be two unrelated classes (.e., B </: C and C </: B).
    • Then it is impossible for RTT(b) to be subtype of C because the subclass of B must already extends B. As such, it cannot also extends from C as Java does not allow a class to extend from two or more classes.
  2. Let C be an interface and CTT(b) be a class with a modifier final.
    • Then Case (3) on the possibility does not apply as RTT(b) cannot be a subtype of CTT(b) since there cannot a subtype in the first place. Recap: the final modifier on a class prevents the class from being inherited.

Run-Time Check

The check at run-time is added on step (4) of compile-time check. This is because at step (2) we are only looking for "possibility". Therefore, there is a chance that such possibility did not occur at run-time.

  1. Find the run-time type of variable b (denoted RTT(b)).
  2. Check if RTT(b) <: C.

You may think of the check for the type cast (C) b as logically equivalent to the following

if (!(b instanceof C)) {
  throw new ClassCastException( .. );

Actual Casting

Note that at run-time, there is no need to do an actual casting from one type to another. Remember that at run-time we will be using the run-time type information. This run-time type information does not change!

What type casting does is to produce an expression such that the compile-time type of the value produced by the expression is now of the specific type as specified in the type cast. Consider the following code snippet.

String str1 = "CS2030S";
Object obj = s; // String <: Object
String str2 = (String) obj;

Here, the expression (String) obj produces a value with compile-time type of String. This value is then assigned to str2. This is allowed because String (from (String) obj) <: String (from the compile-time type of str2). Note that the compile-time type of both str1 and obj are unchanged. They are still String and Object respectively.

These compile-time type information is needed only for compilation and is no longer needed at run-time. So at run-time, what Java is actually doing is to check if the given run-time type is actually a subtype of the declared casted type. This is done without changing the run-time type of the object. However, if the check fails, then you will get a run-time error ClassCastException.