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Unit 12: Overriding

Learning Objectives

Students should

  • be aware that every class inherits from Object.
  • be familiar with the equals and toString methods.
  • understand what constitutes a method signature.
  • understand method overriding.
  • appreciate the power of method overriding.
  • understand what Java annotations are for, and know when to use @Override.
  • be exposed to the String class and its associated methods, especially the + operator.

Object and String

In Java, every class that does not extend another class inherits from the class Object implicitly. Object is, therefore, the "ancestor" of all classes in Java and is at the root of the class hierarchy.

The Object class does not encapsulate anything in particular. It is a very general class that provides useful methods common to all objects. The two useful ones that we are going to spend time with are:

  • equals(Object obj), which checks if two objects are equal to each other, and
  • toString(), which returns a string representation of the object as a String object.

Now that we have related classes as well as methods that may be inherited, we will introduce a notation that captures the essence of a method as well as where the method is implemented. Consider the method equals(Object obj) in the class Object. First note that the parameter name obj can actually be renamed so the name does not matter. As such, we can actually omit them. Secondly, we need to indicate that the implementation we are interested is the implementation in the class Object. So, we can write it simply as Object::equals(Object).

Method Summary

There are two ways we can summarize a method. Consider the following class with a single method foo.

class C {
    : // fields omitted
  A foo(B1 b1, B2 b2) {
      : // body omitted
  • Method Signature
    • Only the name of the method and the type of parameters. Optionally, we may include the class name.
    • In other words, the information captured are:
      • Method name.
      • Number of parameters.
      • Types of parameters.
      • Order of parameters.
  • Method Descriptor
    • Only the name of the method, the type of parameters, and the return type. Optionally, we may include the class name.
    • In other words, the information captured are:
      • Method name.
      • Number of parameters.
      • Types of parameters.
      • Order of parameters.
      • Return type.
Summary Without Class Name With Class Name
Method Signature foo(B1, B2) C::foo(B1, B2)
Method Descriptor A foo(B1, B2) A C::foo(B1, B2)

Class names are included if we want to mention a specific implementation. On the other hand, we typically excldue the class names when we want to talk about the method regardless of where it is implemented. Lastly, we may omit the parameters if we want to talk about all the methods with the given name (e.g., C::foo or simply foo).

The toString Method

The toString method is very special, as this is invoked implicitly by Java, by default, to convert a reference object to a String object during string concatenation using the operator +. It is also invoked implicitly when we print using System.out.println(..). Note that an assignment to a string variable does not automatically invoke the toString method.

We showed you that in Python, 4 + "Hello" would result in a type mismatch error. In Java, however, 4 + "Hello" will result in the string "4Hello". In this example, the primitive value 4 is converted to a string before concatenation.

A more interesting scenario is what happens if we try to concatenate, say, a Circle object with a string. Let's say we have:

Circle c = new Circle(new Point(0, 0), 4.0);
String s = "Circle c is " + c;

You will see that s now contains the string "Circle c is Circle@1ce92674 " (the seemingly gibberish text after @ is the reference to the object and so your result will be different).

What happened here is that the + operator sees that one of the operands is a string but the other is not, so it converts the one that is not a string to a string by calling its toString() method automatically for us. This is equivalent to1

Circle c = new Circle(new Point(0, 0), 4.0);
String s = "Circle c is " + c.toString();

Recall that in our Circle class (up to version 0.5) we do not have any Circle::toString() method. The toString method that we invoked here is the toString method inherited from its parent Object (i.e., Object::toString()).

jshell and toString

Recall that jshell is a REPL tool. After evaluating an expression, jshell prints the resulting value out. If the resulting value is a reference type, jshell will invoke toString to convert the reference type to a string first, before printing the string.

Customizing toString for Circle

The Object::toString() method is not very user friendly. Ideally, when we print a Circle object, say, for debugging, we want to see its center and its radius. To do so, we can define our own toString method in Circle (i.e., Circle::toString()). Let's upgrade our Circle class to do this:

Circle v0.6
import java.lang.Math;

 * A Circle object encapsulates a circle on a 2D plane.  
class Circle {
  private Point c;   // the center
  private double r;  // the length of the radius

   * Create a circle centered on Point c with given radius r
  public Circle(Point c, double r) {
    this.c = c;
    this.r = r;

   * Return the area of the circle.
  public double getArea() {
    return Math.PI * this.r * this.r;

   * Return true if the given point p is within the circle.
  public boolean contains(Point p) {
    return false;
    // TODO: Left as an exercise

   * Return the string representation of this circle.
  public String toString() {
    return "{ center: " + this.c + ", radius: " + this.r + " }";

The body of the method Circle::toString() simply constructs a string representation for this circle object and returns it. With this toString implemented, the output will look something like this:

Circle c is { center: (0.0, 0.0), radius: 4.0 }

Note that when the center this.c is converted to a string, the toString method of Point class is invoked (i.e., Point::toString()). We leave the implementation of Point::toString() as an exercise.

Method Overriding

What we just did is called method overriding in OOP. Inheritance is not only good for extending the behavior of an existing class but through method overriding, we can alter the behavior of an existing class as well.

Recap that the method signature of a method as the method name and the number, type, and order of its parameters, and the method descriptor as the method signature plus the return type. When a subclass defines an instance method with the same method descriptor as an instance method in the parent class, we say that the instance method in the subclass overrides the instance method in the parent class2. In the example above, Circle::toString() has overridden Object::toString().

Put it another way, when a subclass defines an instance method with the same method signature as an instance method in the parent class, then we need to check the return type. If the return type is not compatible (i.e., the return type on the subclass is not a subtype of the return type on the superclass), then we are trying to override a method with incompatible return type. This may lead to major problems on our subtyping principle.


"Whenever a supertype is needed, a subtype can be given."

Consider the following two classes.

class T {
  public int f() {
    return 1;

class S extends T {
  public T f() {
    return null;

Now a code written for type T does not work for type S even though S <: T as you can see below.

T t = new T();
int x = t.f(); // ok because T::f() returns int

S t = new S();
int x = t.f(); // error because S::f() returns T

We will emphasize the use of method signature (and maybe method descriptor) to check for method overriding. Once you have distilled the information down to the method signature or descriptor, you can focus only on the required information to determine if overriding actually happen or not. You can test your understanding by determining which of the followings are overridden and which are not. Assume that S <: T and there are no subtyping relationships on other types.

Descriptor in T Descriptor in S Is Overriding?
double T::foo(int) double S::foo(int)
double T::foo(double) int S::foo(int)
A T::foo() A S::foo()
A1 T::foo(B, C, D) A2 S::foo(B, C, D)
Descriptor in T Descriptor in S Is Overriding?
double T::foo(int) double S::foo(int)
double T::foo(double) int S::foo(int) (doubleint)
A T::foo() A S::foo()
A1 T::foo(B, C, D) A2 S::foo(B, C, D) (unless A2 <: A1, more on this later)

The @Override Annotation

Line 37 in the example on Circle class contains the symbol @Override. This symbol is an example of annotation in Java. An annotation is not part of the program and does not affect the bytecode generated. Instead, it is a hint to the compiler. Remember that the compiler is our friend who will do its best to help detect errors early, during compilation. We must do our part to help the compiler help us. Here, @Override is a hint to the compiler that the following method, toString (more specifically Circle::toString()), is intended to override the method in the parent class. In case that there is a typo and overriding is not possible, the compiler will let us know. In other words, if all the superclass S has no method S::toString() with compatible return type, then overriding is not possible.

It is therefore recommended and expected that all overriding methods in your code are annotated with @Override.

Using super To Access Overridden Methods

After a subclass overrides a method in the superclass, the methods that have been overridden can still be called, with the super keyword. For instance, the following Circle::toString calls Object::toString to prefix the string representation of the circle with Circle@1ce92674.

public String toString() {
  return super.toString() + " { center: " + this.c + ", radius: " + this.r + " }";

  1. Calling toString explicitly is not wrong, but we usually omit the call to keep the code readable and succinct. 

  2. It is possible to override a method in some cases when the return type is different. We will discuss this during recitations.